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Submissions should be made via EasyChair.
SAT 2025 is the 28th edition of the International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing. The scope of SAT 2025 includes all aspects of the theory and applications of propositional satisfiability broadly construed. This includes paradigms such as Boolean optimization using, e.g., MaxSAT and pseudo-Boolean (PB) solving, quantified Boolean formulas (QBF), satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), model counting, constraint programming (CP), and integer linear programming (ILP) for problems with clear connections to Boolean-level reasoning. This year the 31st International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP) will be co-located with SAT and will have deadlines and reviewing process synchronized with SAT 2025.
Topics of interest for the SAT 2025 conference include but are not limited to:
- Theoretical advances (including algorithms, proof complexity, parameterized complexity, and other complexity issues)
- Practical search algorithms
- Knowledge compilation
- Implementation-level details of SAT and SMT solving tools and SAT/SMT-based systems
- Problem encodings and reformulations
- Applications (including both novel applications domains and improvements to existing approaches)
- Case studies and reports on scientific findings based on rigorous experimentation
Out of Scope
Papers claiming to resolve significant long-standing open problems in mathematics or computer science (such as those for which a Millennium Prize is offered) are outside the scope of the conference, since there is insufficient time in the schedule to referee such papers. Instead, works of such importance should be submitted to an appropriate scientific journal for in-depth technical review.
Paper Categories
Submissions to SAT 2025 are invited in the following three categories:
- Long papers (9 to 15 pages, excluding references and appendices)
- Short papers (up to 8 pages, excluding references and appendices)
- Tool papers (up to 8 pages, excluding references and appendices)
Long and short papers should contain original research with sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution. Authors are strongly encouraged to make their data and implementation available with the submission of papers reporting experimental results, and for theoretical papers a technical appendix or supplementary material should contain sufficient details to allow verification of the main claims. Submissions on applications and case studies are encouraged. Such papers should describe the details of the proposed approaches in sufficient depth, including their weaknesses and strengths, but they are not necessarily expected to introduce novel solving methods.
Long and short papers will be evaluated with the same quality standards and are expected to contain a similar contribution-per-page ratio. The authors should choose between a long or a short paper depending on the space they need to describe their contribution fully. The classification between long and short papers impacts the duration of the presentation slot for the work allocated during the conference. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their paper is self-contained within the chosen page limit, and there will be no reclassification of submissions by the PC.
Tool papers are expected to report on the design and implementation of a tool and its novel features. Here “tool” is interpreted broadly, including descriptions of solvers, preprocessors, et cetera, and systems that exploit SAT solvers or their extensions for use in a relevant problem domain. Papers describing tools with previously published tool papers have been published are expected to contain significant and clear enhancements to the tool.
Submissions should not be under review or submitted elsewhere while under review for SAT 2025, and should not consist of previously published material. Submissions not consistent with these guidelines may be returned without review. The chairs reserve the right to coordinate with the chairs of other conferences to investigate suspected cases of concurrent submissions. Submissions should be made via EasyChair.
Papers must be formatted in the LIPIcs LaTeX style, which is available here. Submissions must be made electronically in the form of PDF files. The reviewing process for SAT 2025 is single-blind. For reporting and managing conflicts of interest, SAT 2025 will use the ACM CoI policy.
Authors may submit a supplement containing detailed proofs, examples, software, detailed experimental data, or other material related to the submission to be consulted at the discretion of the reviewers. Supplements will be treated with the same degree of confidentiality as the submitted manuscript. The supplement must consist of a single file in one of the following formats: zipped tarball (.tar.gz or .tgz), gzipped file (.gz), or zip archive (.zip).
One author of each accepted paper is expected to present the paper at the conference.
Withdrawal of submissions: Submissions can only be withdrawn before the author response period begins. No withdrawals will be allowed after the preliminary reviews have been communicated to the authors.
Important Dates
- Abstract registration: March 20, 2025 AoE
- Full paper submission: March 27, 2025 AoE
- Author response: May 5-9, 2025 AoE
- Notification of decisions: May 29, 2025 AoE
- Camera-ready version submission: TBA.
- Workshops and the Doctoral Program: August 10-11, 2024
- Conference: August 12-15, 2024
Best Paper Awards
Long and short papers may be considered for a best paper award. If the main authors, both in terms of work and writing, are students at the time of submission, the paper may be considered for a best student paper award.
Accepted papers will be published as conference proceedings in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) as a free, open electronic archive with access to all. Authors will retain full rights over their work. The accepted papers will be published under a CC-BY license.
Invitation of Top Papers to AIJ and JAIR
Top papers from SAT 2025 will be invited to the award-winning paper tracks in Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ) or Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), by which is meant papers that were publicly acknowledged by e.g., a best paper award or as runner-ups. The authors of these invited papers will have the option to choose between AIJ and JAIR and will get a chance to expand their conference submission by including additional details. Papers submitted to these tracks will receive expedited review, and accepted papers will receive special recognition on the web page of the selected journal. Apart from appearing in a regular volume of AIJ / JAIR with this special designation, all papers in the track will be indexed in a separate virtual volume.